Braces and Orthodontic Specialists in Queens NY Helps You Smile Your Best

by | Sep 15, 2016 | Dental Care

Have you ever noticed that people with great teeth tend to be treated better than people with bad teeth? It may not be fair, but it is true. Studies show that people with bright, white, straight smiles tend to get hired more often and land more dates. Adult braces from orthodontic specialists in Queens NY and elsewhere are helping more adults than ever get healthy and beautiful smiles. Here are things to consider about getting adult braces.

How Braces Help You

Getting a check-up every six months helps to prevent small dental problems from becoming large ones. Teeth can shift at any time, causing it to be painful to eat. Teeth can shift due to accidents, tumors or other health reasons. If your bite is not aligned properly, headaches, earaches or gastrointestinal issues can develop. Talk to orthodontic specialists in Queens NY to see how braces can help reduce your chronic pain and make you healthier overall.

Braces are Less Expensive

Adult braces are less expensive now than in years past due to many factors. Materials are lighter and more comfortable than when you were a child, too.

Length of Time To Wear

You can expect to wear your braces for at least 18 months or as long as three years. It all depends on your unique health situation and how much your teeth need correcting. Many adults also need to wear a retainer but not always.

Maintenance For Your Braces

Wearing braces does not mean that you can stop brushing or flossing. Protect your teeth and your braces by brushing every day with a soft manual or electric toothbrush. Floss under the wires of the braces and between your braces. Use waxed floss to reduce chances of snags. Mouth rinse or even swishing your mouth out vigorously with water helps keep your braces doing their best for you.

In Conclusion

There are many reasons why adults should consider getting braces. Some people want to look their best while others may need braces for health reasons. If you have questions as to whether braces that have not been answered here and live in the Queens area, please Contact Queens Dental Professionals today.

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